Once your order is placed and confirmed, you will be provided a FedEx tracking number.
Orders placed before 12pm Pacific Time are processed and shipped by end of business day.
Orders placed after 12pm Pacific Time are processed by end of next business day.
For orders placed during the weekend/federal holidays, order processing will occur on the next business day by end of day
Accuride operating hours for order processing and customer service are Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time (excluding federal holidays).
Order Changes – In the event that you need to change an order, you must contact customer service prior to receiving shipment confirmation.
Order Cancellation – In the event that you need to cancel an order, you must contact customer service prior to receiving a shipment confirmation.
Once the order has shipped, we will not refund shipping charges.
Upon receipt of the shipment, please inspect the items to ensure everything is received as expected (quantity, length, model).
See our Terms of Sale for additional details.
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